SAVE THE DATE for an incredible event

EXOTICA 2011 – An Automotive Experience

Blue Coast Real Estate & Development Group
announces the hottest event of the Spring season…

Coming Sat. Mar. 26th to the corner of SE 1st St. and 1st Ave. (in front of Olio and Style & Wine):
EXOTICA 2011 – An Automotive Experience
Open to the public and free to attend, this event features exotic cars, a fashion show, and food & wine samples, plus entertainment and the opportunity to mingle with Palm Beach County’s movers and shakers. This event also celebrates the Palm Beach International Film Festival taking place Mar. 23rd to 31st. Much of the Film Festival crowd will be attending the event.
This is the first of what will be an annual event that will grow every year. 5 PM to 10 PM. Sponsors welcome – there are several promotional opportunities available. For sponsor information email: or contact Blue Coast. Check back in mid February and visit the EVENTS page here, to view full details on what promises to be a spectacular evening for car afficianados and anyone who loves a good party.
